You wouldn't step on a banana peel ...

But one in five will click a malicious email link.

Now I don’t know this for fact, but I strongly suspect that the incidence of banana skin slippage injuries in Australia is extraordinarily low. I also suspect that the reason for this encouraging low statistic is due to the fact that we are taught from a very young age of the dire consequences that await should we inadvertently tread on a banana skin.

By contrast, the incidence of clicking on phishing emails is very high.  Dabble’s experience in delivering user awareness and phishing simulation services in the Australian environment shows around 20% of people will click on a phishing link. That is 1 in 5 people that inadvertently allow hackers to potentially gain access and install malware right inside your secured network.

The simple reality is that most people have never been shown how to identify and avoid phishing attacks.

The Dabble User Awareness and Phishing Simulation Service assesses the susceptibility of your users to modern phishing attacks and raised the overall security awareness to reduce the likelihood of a security breach from phishing emails.



Phishing accounts for more than one-third of the nearly 800 percent increase in cyber crimes since 2007.

US Government Accountability Office

April 2016

The Dabble User Awareness and Phishing Simulation Service in a little more detail ….

The Dabble User Awareness and Phishing Simulation service provides ongoing assessment of user susceptibility to phishing attacks and raises awareness to the types of email and embedded links that may be contain malware or other advanced threats. The service comprises three essential components:

  • A Phishing Assessment to gauge the level of susceptibility to phishing attacks amongst employees within your organisation. The Phishing Assessment provides a baseline from which to measure user awareness improvement. As part of this introductory offer, Dabble are happy to offer the Phishing Assessment as a free no obligation service.
  • A Phishing Awareness and Education Campaign, targeting users with simulated phishing emails tailored to their environment combined with a cohesive education programme designed to raise help identification and raise awareness of associated risk such and malware and ransomware.
  • Access to the Dabble Security Portal for continuous reporting and feedback as to effectiveness of the overall User Awareness ad Phishing Simulation service.

Dabble will tailor the service to meet your specific requirements by designing a range of templates appropriate to the employees and underlying industry segments. The templates will be designed to minimise the chance of email landing in employee spam or junk folders.

Different types of simulated phishing email can be configured such as ‘drive by attacks’ that provide a tempting message for employees to click right through to more complex ‘data entry’ attacks that ask an employee to enter personal data in an external site. Different attack profiles ensure a comprehensive assessment of phishing awareness within the organisation.

To improve security awareness, the service also includes targeted security awareness training program that allows employees to recognise and understand current online threats with hands on simulations.

The Dabble Security Portal ….

Cyber security is a complex area, often with a wealth of highly technical data pertaining to devices, vulnerabilities and patch levels. Making sense of security data and cutting through the mire of technical jargon can be a challenge in itself. Dabble understand this challenge and have developed an intuitive dashboard allowing information to be presented from a high level in an easy to understand format, whilst retaining the ability to ‘drill down’ to specific information with just a few clicks of the mouse. The Dabble Dashboard is a secure cloud based service providing instant and up to date information of the Cyber Security health of your organisation.

Get in touch with Dabble now for a quote or to discuss your cyber security requirements …

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Or call us directly on 1300 947 961

Dabble IT Solutions Pty Ltd
3/55 Pyrmont Bridge Road, Pyrmont, NSW, 2009